Intern Placement Prep part 2

Welcome back to our career prep series. We uncover key tools and skills required to crack the top firms that come to our campus. In Part 1, we gave you a spectrum of questions asked directly in tests of firms like GoldmanSachs, JPMC, Amex and ranging in difficulty from easy to hard. If you haven’t gone through it yet, check it here.

In today’s edition, we will share a quick watch and a read to ace your problem solving and interview skills! PS: Check out the puzzle at the end without fail 😀

SECTION 2: Today’s Resource pick?

Here’s a quick watch to solve some of these problems faster in a smart way – 

Done with some basic math? Let’s now think about how to ace such tests and interviews- A Practical guide to Quantitative Finance Interviews by Xinfeng Zhou 

This book will help you prepare for quantitative finance interviews by focusing on the important ideas that are commonly examined in such interviews. It covers a wide range of topics that are likely to appear in quantitative interviews, including brain teasers, calculus, linear algebra, probability, stochastic processes and stochastic calculus, finance, and programming, with over 200 real-world interview problems.

SECTION 3: Puzzle time!


Do check out our Instagram @investmentetc_iitmadras to send us your answers. Reply with your answer to our story and don’t miss the chance to get featured in our next article. Special shoutouts for including the answer in your story and tagging us.

Until the next issue! Adios!

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